South Korea Donates Medical Supplies for COVID-19 to Cambodia

Phnom Penh (April 19, 2021):  The Government of the Republic of Korea on Monday continues to provide medical assistance for fighting against COVID-19 in Cambodia where its Phnom Penh capital and a few other provincial towns have been lock downed for 14 days since last Saturday.

Through the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the medical assistance with about $350,000, the Korean government handed 18,750 RNA Extraction kits; 14,400SD Biosensors; 42,000 swap swabs and other necessary laboratory equipment to Cambodia’s Ministry of Health.

According to Cambodia’s Ministry of Health, the devices would be used by the National Laboratory of the National Institutes of Public Health to test for the virus.

It is not the first time for Korea’s medical assistance but since the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020, Korea also provided through KOICA such as thousands of masks and medical masks, and hand-washing gels to the National Children’s Hospital and the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital.

Korea has also supported vulnerable people by providing food and first aid kits in Phnom Penh and six provinces: Kampong Speu, Kratie, Oddar Meanchey, Battambang, Siem Reap and Prey Veng.

Up to April 19, Cambodia so far has nearly 40 people, including one Korean citizen, dead of COVID-19 while thousands others infected.

Last week, Prime Minister Hun Sen through the government issued a strict regulation for lockdown in the capital and Takmao town, nearby.  (Reported by Chhay Sophal in Phnom Penh)

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